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Common HDB bricks are used for wall construction, rough sawn timber planking and metal grates commonly used on oil refineries are detailed to resemble a funky turn-of-the-century- English warehouse space


E N G L I S H  R E T R O - E X U B E R A N C E

Located at unit B2-43 Ngee Ann City, Singapore, this 700 sq. ft. flagship is the first Dr. Martens retail outlet ever produced (worldwide). Oversized details, common industrial materials, raw timber and brick combine in a fusion of English-Retro exuberance.

Four months later, Dr. Martens Covent Garden megastore opened at Covent Garden London, designed by Din Associates.

Update June 2003 : This store no longer exists

Update May 2004 : Link to bargains here >


Project Team:
Ed Poole, Rey Tadifa

Digitally manipulated photography :

Poole Associates Private Limited


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